Category: Uncategorized


What is a Series of 3 Photos Called?

A series of 3 photos is called a set, collection, anthology, compilation, congeries, hoard, mass, pile, stockpile or stash. It is important to create a consistent style throughout your photo series as this will make it easier for viewers to connect the images together. This can be achieved by using the same filter or presets,

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How Do You Make a Photo Series?

There’s no one answer to this question, as each photographer’s photo series-creating process is a completely unique and highly personal journey. However, there are some general guidelines to keep in mind that can help you achieve a strong and effective photographic series. First, you need to decide on a subject that will serve as the

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What is Photography Art Meaning?

The question ‘what is photography art meaning?’ is a common one that people ask about photography and the way it can be transformed into a work of art through editing software and other methods. Photography as an art form emerged in the 19th century along with a general movement towards realism in art. It has

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