Category: Uncategorized


What is a Series of 3 Photos Called?

When it comes to photography, a series of photos is a collection of images that are linked and showcased together. They can have the same subject and have a conceptual bond, or they can be shot in the same location. They can also be edited in the same way to highlight a common style and

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Is the Photography Industry Competitive?

Is the Photography Industry Competitive? Photography is a highly competitive business due to the fact that more people want to be, or claim to be, photographers than there are positions available. Continual improvements in technology also lower the barriers to entry for amateurs, making it easier for consumers to produce and process high-quality images without

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What is Photography Art Meaning?

What is photography art meaning? A photographic artwork is a piece of visual art that uses photography as the medium to convey a creative idea, message or emotion unique to the artist. Photography has been instrumental in many modern and contemporary art movements and was one of the earliest mediums to challenge traditional concepts of

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