Qatar says worker deaths for World Cup ‘between 400 and 500’

We’re very saddened we are saddened to learn that Hassan Al-Thawadi, Qatar’s World Cup head, has announced the possibility that 400 to 500 migrant workers were killed during the course of their work as part of projects associated with the tournament. This is far more figure than that previously given by Doha. The news is shocking and is likely to have a significant influence upon the World Cup. We must take note of the tragic losses of life due to the infrastructure work in the aftermath of the announcement. Also, it is important to keep in mind that this isn’t the first time that such terrible news comes to the forefront.

1. How many migrant workers have died during the time of their deaths in Qatar after the World Cup infrastructure project began in 2014?

From the time the World Cup infrastructure project began in Qatar in 2014 In 2014, the United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO) has reported that about 400 to 500 migrant workers have tragically died in the country. These numbers do not include the migrant workers who have died in their homes or died in Qatar However, death certificates haven’t yet been released. Based on the International Trade Union Confederation, death toll could be much greater. In the opinion of the ILO the majority of workers who are migrant working in Qatar suffer from poor working conditions and pay very low salaries.

2. How many of the workers killed by the Qatari World Cup organisation?

The number of deaths for those involved in organizing the World Cup in Qatar is between 400 and 500. These figures have yet to be confirmed but this incident underscores the necessity of greater supervision and protection of workers in countries that are developing. This is of particular concern given the magnitude of the World Cup, the largest and most highly regarded international sporting event in the world. Studies suggest that the majority of deaths were caused by inadequate rest and compensation, as well as poor working conditions. We need to keep in mind the human cost when we organize such an celebration, as well as to make sure that the rights of workers are protected and respected at all times in the future.

3. Hassan Al-Thawadi, Qatar World Cup director, said in his statement that the World Cup has caused a lot of deaths among workers.

Qatar World Cup boss Hassan Al-Thawadi is claiming that the number of worker death related to the World Cup projects is between 400 to 500. There are many who claim that this number is higher. Al-Thawadi, however, has stressed that worker deaths are much less than what is reported by the media. The Al-Thawadi has also claimed that Qatar took steps to improve the working conditions for migrant workers and to ensure their rights. The minister also said that Qatar stands by the principle that equal and fair treatment to all workers in the nation.

Quick Summary

The number of Qatari employees injured in the building of infrastructure for the fast-approaching 2022 World Cup tournament has reached shocking levels. This tragedy should not be ignored and it’s our obligation to ensure that migrants aren’t exploited in the quest for international sporting event. In the days leading up to the World Cup, it is essential to keep holding Qatar responsible for how it treats workers. Also, we must make sure that the same deaths do not repeated in any future construction project.

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