A photo series can be an easy and effective way to create strong images. It allows you to approach your subject in a new and interesting way. Creating a series can also improve your craft.
There are several things to consider before embarking on a series. First, you’ll need to define a theme for your series. Then, you’ll need to figure out what aspects of your subject you’re trying to highlight.
The most important thing to remember about a photo series is consistency. When your photos are all taken in the same style, the series will look coherent. You can also use a similar theme and similar locations to make your shots appear more cohesive.
Another thing to consider when creating a photo series is the smallest detail. Those little things can help you establish a connection with your audience.
One of the best ways to accomplish this is to use the self-timer function on your camera. It gives you time to shoot and pose before the exposure.
In addition to the self-timer, a good idea is to use a macro lens. This allows you to capture different views and types of light. Also, using different angles is a great way to add interest to your subject.
You should also pay attention to the lighting, especially if you’re working with a single location. You can make your images look more cohesive if you use consistent color temperature, filters, and saturation levels.