Category: Leisure


Exploring the Interaction Between Stress at Work and Relaxation During Leisure

The relationship between leisure and work is a key component of optimal functioning. It is linked to six psychological needs: Detachment, Relaxation Autonomy, Mastery Meaning, and Affiliation (DRAMMA). As a result of the dominant working culture and its lengthy time-span, people have a misperception about leisure. Based on research, those who feel that leisure is

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Exploring the 8 Most Historic Cities Around the World

T+L readers have voted on one of the top cities on the globe , offering an eclectic mix of food and cultural. Also, these cities are known for being safe and friendly. Resonance has put 100 cities on the map all over the world in a new survey. The company declared London its top-ranked city

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Benefits of Traveling and How to Maximize the Experience

Moving people from distant areas to another location is known as traveling. It may be accomplished by plane, train, bus ferry, foot or boat. Preparedness for travel It is essential to research the culture of any country before you plan a vacation to it. Based on the place you’re going, you may want to dress

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